University of South Florida Sr Groundskeeper Salaries

The average annual University of South Florida Sr Groundskeeper salary is $31,562.78. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Term Amount is -. This estimate is based upon 9 employees salary information.

Employees Average Annual Salary Average OPS Term Amount
9 $31,562.78 -

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name Annual Salary OPS Term Amount
Anthony R Williams $34,871.00 -
Kevin . Slaughter $33,028.00 -
Eya D Hernandez $31,701.00 -
Otis . Evans $31,701.00 -
Maria . Luyanda $31,701.00 -
Jamie S Fraley $31,701.00 -
Christian . Diaz martinez $31,100.00 -
Juan . Carlin $29,131.00 -
Zachary R Grant $29,131.00 -

Last time updated: October 2018.