University of South Florida Associate Professor Salaries

The average annual University of South Florida Associate Professor salary is $101,018.73. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Term Amount is $9,124.21. This estimate is based upon 623 employees salary information.

Employees Average Annual Salary Average OPS Term Amount
623 $101,018.73 $9,124.21

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name Annual Salary OPS Term Amount
Mark C Glaum $6,031.00 -
Frank I Mendelblatt $2,655.00 -
Lawrence W Morehouse - $3,000.00
Nathan . Tang - $6,028.00
Heather D Hartsell - $11,096.00
Kaushik . Shahir - $11,260.00
Thomas . Truncale - $8,752.00
Harvey M Greenberg - $3,753.00
Daniel R Marlin - $938.00
Deborah C Roth - $15,614.00
Hilary J Miller - $2,500.00
Bruce . Zwiebel - $37,534.00
Leelakrishna . Nallamshetty - $22,521.00
Ryan D Murtagh - $22,521.00
Gregg A Baran - $11,260.00
Mark J Walters - $1,004.00
Laura Y Haubner - $56,329.00
Hassan . Mir - $24,397.00
Rajendra . Kedar - $22,521.00
James M Lynch - $5,005.00
Se-te J Huang - $45,041.00
Thomas W Smith - $1,004.00
Daniel E Buffington - $18,767.00

Last time updated: October 2018.
