Universities Maintenance Specialist Salaries

Browse Salaries by University

University Employees Average Annual Salary Average OPS Term Amount
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University 13 $35,575.77 -
Florida Atlantic University 2 $40,758.00 -
Florida Gulf Coast University 1 $42,016.00 -
New College of Florida 3 $35,809.67 -
University of Central Florida 17 $34,765.82 -
University of Florida 22 $51,703.50 -
University of West Florida 15 $30,636.80 -

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name University Annual Salary OPS Term Amount
Charles A Lesch University of Florida $71,964.00 -
James D Gregory University of Florida $59,758.00 -
Alan . Heflin University of Florida $57,845.00 -
Keith P Sheridan University of Florida $57,845.00 -
John E Locke University of Florida $57,845.00 -
Brannon J Troncale University of Florida $57,781.00 -
Sheila . Noel University of Florida $57,340.00 -
Da H Choe University of Florida $53,972.00 -
Leonard P Solt University of Florida $52,500.00 -
Matthew B Engel University of Florida $52,338.00 -
Chris G Keane University of Florida $51,480.00 -
Timothy M Noland University of Florida $50,490.00 -
Brent M Durstine University of Florida $49,254.00 -
Douglas E Boyd University of Florida $48,045.00 -
Steven M Craig University of Florida $47,551.00 -
Willie C Sapp University of Florida $47,439.00 -
Larry D Tolbert University of Florida $46,682.00 -
Robert . Horn University of Florida $46,427.00 -
Lawrence A Westra University of Florida $46,167.00 -
Arthur . Ingram Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University $44,141.00 -
Loren D Webb University of Florida $43,214.00 -
Mario M Fuentes Florida Atlantic University $42,867.00 -
Robert D Parker University of Central Florida $42,446.00 -
Scott V Jamieson Florida Gulf Coast University $42,016.00 -
Ronnie . Reeves Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University $41,579.00 -
Michael B Franklin University of Florida $41,309.00 -
Byron K Clenney Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University $40,500.00 -
Fidencio . Nino University of Florida $40,231.00 -
Deodat . Jaggernauth University of Central Florida $39,676.00 -
Steven B Kareem Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University $38,778.00 -
Nestor C Rivera mendez Florida Atlantic University $38,649.00 -
Anthony L Sprow Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University $38,434.00 -
John W Miller New College of Florida $37,844.00 -
Thomas D Weismann New College of Florida $37,278.00 -
Steve . Mcghee Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University $37,001.00 -
Charles V Martin Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University $36,210.00 -
Troy T Schnell University of Central Florida $35,798.00 -
Randall J Baker University of West Florida $35,683.00 -
Willy B Chico University of Central Florida $35,590.00 -
Pablo M Mercado University of Central Florida $35,590.00 -
Alexander . Boodoo University of Central Florida $35,412.00 -
Larry E Hull University of Central Florida $35,308.00 -
James E Sullivan University of Central Florida $35,203.00 -
Robert F Romo University of Central Florida $34,939.00 -
Hubert D Walker University of West Florida $34,599.00 -
James . Bell University of Central Florida $34,527.00 -
Michael . Figueroa University of Central Florida $34,421.00 -
Robert E Eller University of Central Florida $33,916.00 -
Mark K Reedy University of Central Florida $33,700.00 -
Randall T Clark University of Central Florida $33,700.00 -
Charles W Williams Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University $33,391.00 -
Marvin L Griffin University of West Florida $32,761.00 -
Rory . Jacobs University of Central Florida $32,472.00 -
Jason D Norris University of West Florida $32,370.00 -
John . Grenier New College of Florida $32,307.00 -
James R Brock University of West Florida $32,180.00 -
James A Brunson University of West Florida $32,037.00 -
Romeo . Cozart Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University $31,108.00 -
Lamar . Hover Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University $31,000.00 -
Joseph D Hulsey Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University $30,692.00 -
Scott D Winchester University of West Florida $30,330.00 -
Reginald W Riley Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University $30,000.00 -
William G Boswell University of West Florida $29,884.00 -
Jay M Golson University of West Florida $29,678.00 -
Amos A Reed Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University $29,651.00 -
Edwin . Maldonado University of Central Florida $29,449.00 -
Ricky A Harter University of West Florida $29,310.00 -
Daniel L Bush University of West Florida $29,310.00 -
Adolphus K Haynes University of West Florida $29,310.00 -
Jeffrey D Bickenbach University of Central Florida $28,872.00 -
Fredrick G Simpkins University of West Florida $28,000.00 -
Thomas W White University of West Florida $27,850.00 -
William S Baisden University of West Florida $26,250.00 -

Last time updated: October 2018.