Universities Custodial Worker Salaries

Browse Salaries by University

University Employees Average Annual Salary Average OPS Term Amount
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University 49 $21,557.67 -
Florida Atlantic University 5 $26,809.80 -
Florida State University 307 $23,213.84 -
New College of Florida 14 $24,119.57 -
University of Central Florida 160 $25,232.16 -
University of Florida 61 $27,626.28 -
University of North Florida 62 $20,356.02 -
University of South Florida 201 $23,047.94 -

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name University Annual Salary OPS Term Amount
Earnest W Bostick Florida State University $44,195.00 -
Angela . Green Florida State University $34,593.00 -
Sylvester . Wright Florida State University $34,018.00 -
James E Hunter Florida State University $32,644.00 -
Wendell . Fields Florida State University $32,389.00 -
Clinton P Mitchell University of Florida $32,153.00 -
Stacy L Troutman Florida State University $31,911.00 -
Ricky J Law University of Florida $31,888.00 -
Isaac D Walker Florida State University $31,597.00 -
Michael E Arch Florida State University $31,571.00 -
Malgorzata . Przepiora Florida State University $31,410.00 -
Soeun . Miel University of Florida $31,313.00 -
George . Gavin Florida State University $30,891.00 -
Sheryll E Brown University of North Florida $30,840.00 -
Mariela M Gonzalez University of Central Florida $30,665.00 -
Brownell . Ellis Florida State University $30,503.00 -
Puttha E Kong University of Florida $30,390.00 -
Ronald C Wiggins Florida State University $30,308.00 -
By K Hart University of Florida $30,296.00 -
Timothy W Ewell University of Florida $30,035.00 -
James A Gass Florida State University $30,020.00 -
Matreser . Daniels davis Florida State University $29,790.00 -
Arlene . Ellis University of Florida $29,557.00 -
Darlene A Archie University of Florida $29,235.00 -
Frances A Smith University of Florida $29,084.00 -
Saran T Kong University of Florida $29,083.00 -
Hugh L Bradley University of Florida $28,994.00 -
Pamela G Everhart-fast Florida State University $28,976.00 -
Robert S Hall University of Florida $28,974.00 -
Chattie M Norwood Florida State University $28,951.00 -
Debra B Williams-houston Florida State University $28,889.00 -
Ricky L Jordan Florida State University $28,881.00 -
Martha L Rouise Florida State University $28,868.00 -
Sebrina D Hicks University of Florida $28,829.00 -
Ernestine E Richardson University of Central Florida $28,756.00 -
Alonzo J Brown University of Florida $28,700.00 -
Evonne . Sweet Florida State University $28,697.00 -
Weston P Thompson University of Florida $28,695.00 -
Pamela M Booker University of Florida $28,695.00 -
Eula M Blake University of Florida $28,478.00 -
Burel B Edmael Florida Atlantic University $28,167.00 -
Carlos A Rivera Florida State University $28,144.00 -
Oneil . Payton Florida State University $28,115.00 -
Yolanda A Clark University of Florida $28,054.00 -
Leonard . Mccloud University of Florida $27,847.00 -
Herbert C Beacham Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University $27,750.00 -
Kevis S Chisom University of Florida $27,690.00 -
Roosevelt B Waters University of Florida $27,681.00 -
Albert W Juwel Florida State University $27,679.00 -
Gabriel . Sellers University of Florida $27,675.00 -
Yolene . Joseph Florida Atlantic University $27,645.00 -
Norma L Guzman University of Central Florida $27,619.00 -
Tang M Chov Florida State University $27,574.00 -
James C Macholtz Florida State University $27,574.00 -
Bernice O Lawrence University of Florida $27,533.00 -
Mary A Colson Florida State University $27,509.00 -
Phuong N Nguyen University of Florida $27,386.00 -
Angela D Slater University of Florida $27,379.00 -
Hoeun . Bin University of Florida $27,307.00 -
Gloria . Rodriguez University of Central Florida $27,248.00 -
Ana M Gutierrez University of Central Florida $27,248.00 -
Donna M Leavitt University of Central Florida $27,248.00 -
Yolanda . Carmona University of Central Florida $27,248.00 -
Christopher L Debose University of Florida $27,193.00 -
Leon . Miller University of Central Florida $27,172.00 -
Aminie V Sellers University of Florida $27,170.00 -
Lavonia R Scott University of Central Florida $27,141.00 -
Enrique E Martinez University of Central Florida $27,137.00 -
Handson . Cohens University of Florida $27,131.00 -
Keila M Martin University of South Florida $27,125.00 -
Rosario . Cuebas valle University of South Florida $27,125.00 -
Cassandra V Greer Florida State University $27,121.00 -
Carolyn O Thomas Florida State University $27,086.00 -
Beverly D Hudson University of Florida $27,072.00 -
Rubin . Wyman University of South Florida $27,058.00 -

Last time updated: October 2018.