University of North Florida Instructor Salaries

The average annual University of North Florida Instructor salary is $50,454.69. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Term Amount is $4,478.19. This estimate is based upon 445 employees salary information.

Employees Average Annual Salary Average OPS Term Amount
445 $50,454.69 $4,478.19

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name Annual Salary OPS Term Amount
Deborah S Mckinney - $5,000.00
Vanessa C Niedzwiecki - $2,490.00
Amod N Pyakuryal - $2,250.00
David . Steinmeyer - $4,125.00
Heather R Anderson - $2,250.00
Alan J Bliss - $2,700.00
Steven R Clapp - $2,800.00
Russell G Dubberly - $2,400.00
Jon D Gerson - $4,500.00
Richard H Hawley - $4,800.00
Larry W Johnson - $5,000.00
Aaron D Leedy - $3,000.00
Maureen E Mccluskey - $6,750.00
James E Price - $4,500.00
Nicholas S Ryan - $6,000.00
Marina Z Alonso de gallo - $5,250.00
Vicki L Waytowich - $2,250.00
Mindy C Black - $2,250.00
Karen M Chapman - $6,000.00
Ryan J Dougherty - $6,750.00
Lee C Gaul - $3,000.00
James E Jenkins - $2,425.00
Edward W Larbi - $2,400.00
Nancy E Pitruzzello - $5,000.00
Jenifer M Ross - $4,750.00
Olasumbo O Alayande - $6,750.00
Daniel G Vosgerichian - $3,000.00
Lori A Bilello - $2,250.00
Devyn K Chadwell - $2,250.00
Carla R Garcia - $2,000.00
Dana R Landis - $5,250.00
Melissa G Matthews - $3,000.00
Ronald H Moore - $4,500.00
David . Rodriguez-reyes - $2,000.00
Ann M Adams - $3,550.00
Stephanie A Verhulst - $2,000.00
Brian M Bert - $4,500.00
Laura J Caton-david - $9,250.00
Andrea I Hart - $6,750.00
Theodore T Hughes - $4,500.00
Carolyn F Lachapelle - $4,500.00
Michael J Mastronicola - $9,000.00
David V Monticalvo - $2,250.00
Adina B Pavlesich - $8,250.00
Nell E Robinson - $6,750.00
Kacie L Smith - $3,910.00
Kelly M Vannan - $4,500.00
David N Bellamy - $5,250.00
Anthony J Debellis - $2,500.00
Maral S Hovsepian - $2,250.00
Ricky M Kirby - $2,000.00
Mitchell R Moers - $4,000.00
James D Roarty - $4,500.00
Cindi T Smatt - $2,500.00
Brandi S Tuccillo - $4,000.00
James A Baur - $1,660.00
Victoria G Campbell - $2,250.00
Susan L Daniels - $9,280.00
Richard L Finke - $6,000.00
Jacqueline M Gunning - $8,000.00
Erik D Hoover - $7,250.00
Andrew P Kennon - $6,750.00
Richard N Malcolm - $4,000.00
Jane G Palmer - $1,919.00
Frances V Siver - $6,750.00
Mary M Treyz - $5,400.00
Marcella M Barton - $2,700.00
Michael C Zaccardi - $2,500.00
Sarah D Brunnig - $2,250.00
Amber R Cull - $7,600.00
Patricia R Grant - $3,750.00
Christine T Holechek - $2,250.00
Erin R Kendrick - $2,250.00
Joshua D Meyers - $2,250.00
Edgardo E Pabon - $4,500.00

Last time updated: October 2018.
