University of Florida Instructional Designer I Salaries

The average annual University of Florida Instructional Designer I salary is $51,850.41. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Term Amount is -. This estimate is based upon 17 employees salary information.

Employees Average Annual Salary Average OPS Term Amount
17 $51,850.41 -

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name Annual Salary OPS Term Amount
Jingyi . He $64,751.00 -
James S Kocher $63,092.00 -
David L Depatie $60,356.00 -
Brian J Schilling $54,988.00 -
Leslie P Mojeiko $52,939.00 -
Laura B Jervis $51,303.00 -
Truly M Hardemon $50,327.00 -
Rebecca A Dow $49,808.00 -
Wendy M Yoder $49,808.00 -
Andrew S Reynolds $49,808.00 -
Ariel A Gunn $49,808.00 -
Channetta L Mickens-johnson $49,808.00 -
Maria A Esterline $49,808.00 -
Vicki D Bealman $49,808.00 -
Christopher J Miller $46,940.00 -
Jennifer . Vogel $46,241.00 -
Anthony J Nappi $41,864.00 -

Last time updated: October 2018.