Dept Of Children And Families Child Protective Investigator Salaries

The average Dept Of Children And Families Child Protective Investigator salary is $39,491.57. Average Other Personal Services (OPS) Hourly Rate is -. This estimate is based upon 1069 employees salary information.

Employees Average Salary Average OPS Hourly Rate
1069 $39,491.57 -

Browse Salaries by Employee

Name Salary OPS Hourly Rate
Meredeth Anne Gorr N $35,640.02 -
Amy Ruiz N $35,640.02 -
Jasmine Siera Sapp $35,640.02 -
Sheri Marie Hipskind N $35,640.02 -
Dianna Kay Anderson N $35,640.02 -
James Barnes N $35,640.02 -
Dana Michele Klein N $35,640.02 -
Samantha Kathleen Black N $35,640.02 -
Angela Catherine Brown N $35,640.02 -
Ashley Christine Miller N $35,640.02 -
Lois G Perkins N $35,640.02 -
Kristine Ashley Rivera $35,640.02 -
Jonathan Michael Robinson $35,640.02 -
Jasmine Kiana Hall N $35,640.02 -
Janet Ann Honor N $35,640.02 -
Zoe L Abesamis N $35,640.02 -
Samuel David Ballenger-fazzone N $35,640.02 -
Hayward Lampley jr $35,640.02 -
Kellie Nichols Mitchell N $35,640.02 -

Last time updated: October 2018.
